
Biology Blah

I feel like i should blog. Not that I really super want to 
Something that i learned lately. There is this thing that I was learning about. the new research on bacteria and its behavior. 
Ya know, i'm gonna preface this with a lil disclaimer, my grammar sucks, and i don't really care. I write how i think/talk. its english. English. It doesn't mean I'm more stupid, or stupider. it is what it is.

They have new research that shows that bacteria react socially. They communicate with each other and work together as a unit.  And if one lil prokaryote isn't listening to the chemical messages, the bacteria can't function properly. Depending on what you want to define properly as, in terms of an infection, or in terms of a good functioning part of the body. Anyways. (do you say anyways or anyway) This is new research that they have and is supposedly the next thing for the antibiotics, and probiotics for that matter.  If you want to know more about the cool new research you should look up a video on it. I would do a little linky thingy on here but one i don't know how, and two i'm too lazy to find the actual video, and thirdly, I can't remember the name of the young woman that reported on it. 
So really, I haven't learned that much about this topic, because I can't really explain it, as you can see from the above statements.  But the basic idea I know. Isn't that cool? Not that I can't explain myself, but about the fact that bacteria react socially to each other?  

I think that the way that I think is connective.  I think in my brain, it likes to connect one thing to another, and for some reason it makes better sense to me that way. association. that how you learn a language, among other methods. 

But i think of several things when I think of this biological discovery. I think of Moses 7:18. I think of yokes.  I think of Social Work. I think of globalization. I think of the greatness of technology. (and I want to complain about the people that complain about the world changing. "it used to be like this, and it was so much better in my day, blah blah blah". (I put the blah's in there on purpose, I think it's funny) I think of my abilities, and talents and what I am capable of and what I want my name to be known for. 

that's all.  

What a weird post. Maybe I'll get better at it one day.