I decided this week to choose to see all of the miracles around me. never before have I made a better choice in my life.
Overcoming fears is the greatest feeling in the whole wide world. You should try it. Before I came into the mission, I had a great fear that I would encounter priests and Bible bashers and people that have a lot more knowledge than I do about the bible. Sister Valdez and I had a wonderful experience. We were invited into a home, well first of all we had an appointment with the father of the home, but he wasn't there he was at work but his wife and daughter was there and they were so nice and invited us into their home. Inglesia sila then we sat in on their Bible study and their prayer and everything and when they were done it was our turn, we just bore sincere testimony and they had no rebuttals. It was such an awesome experience. I really felt the whisperings of the Spirit close to me. I felt like what I was doing was so right for that time. I was thinking to myself after that experience, How lucky am I to be able to say that I really have a true testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that it is true and that we have a living prophet. How lucky talaga. Tapos I was thinking that if even the Prophet was sitting next to Sister Valdez and I, he would have been happy with what happened. I felt like I really represented the church like I should. Natutuwa talaga iyan.
--Sister James