
death and all of his friends.

i've never felt such an almost instant feeling of compassion towards someone as you. as i've begun to know you, i've begun to know more about myself. i'm glad i met you. i love that you are so kind. you seem to be a kind, gentle, sweet person. i like that about you. i wish there was more stability in your life. i want you to have that really badly. good stability. i hope you learn to channel your stress in productive ways. i am continually learning new things all the time from you. i learn things that i thought i already knew about, but i learn them in different ways. one thing in particular i've learned from you today is how cruical family stability is. i thought i had seen many examples of this through various experiences in my life. i guess i just forgot the extent of the effects that the family has on a human being, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. my testimony is strengthened by this fact. i hate that i forget important things like this. remember to remember. its heartbreaking to see you go through shit like that. i am incredibly lucky in so many ways, to know you and to learn from you.


nope, you should stop that right away.

nope yup, you are just as creepy as i thought you were. you don't mean to be creepy but you are. you aren't old enough to make creepo comments like that. "you laugh just like your mom, its cute." nope don't do that. its creepy. when is that point where you are old enough to be labeled an old fart? i don't know. when you are an old fart, it seems more ok to say things like that because its somewhat comical. maybe you just lack charm. i don't know, i really can not diagnose. but i do know, that you are a creepy ace, and you should stop. because i don't know how to handle it.


Hurt No Living Thing

Hurt no living thing:
Ladybird, nor butterfly,
Nor moth with dusty wing,
Nor cricket chirping cheerily,
Nor grasshopper so light of leap,
Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,
Nor harmless worms that creep.

Christina Rossetti


about a chancho

i wish you knew that i was talking about you here. i can't tell you these things for various reasons. i'm pretty sure that i like you a lot and that it would change into love if we hung out more. you aren't good for me that's why we can't hang out. i know i would fall for you. so the reason i ignore your calls is because i know that i would just get into a messy mess. you are so frackin hot. i'm kind of glad that you live far away because that makes things easier. but it still sucks a little bit. you smell good. haha. that's not what is important, you are like my kindred spirit twin connector, i seriously don't even know you, but i feel like i do. i'm psycho for feeling this way but maybe its mutual. i could never tell you these things. far too complicated. i'm glad you don't know how i feel about you actually. i promise i'm only a little bit insane. you are not really a spanish pig...at least i don't think so.


good feelings

it was good to see you. i am so glad that you came into my life, you have blessed me in so many ways i hope you know. you have such a positive attitude about life and its refreshing to be around. you are gifted in so many ways but i see how you lift people up, everyone around you. you have an ability to be-friend many different kinds of people. your kindness has blessed me tremendously, you lifted me up when i needed it most. i am truly grateful for this. you are talented in many ways. i love that you are real with me. i hate that you don't share everything with me. i wish we were closer. i read the letter that you wrote me a little bit ago and i cried a little, that was very nice of you, i appreciate that note, it meant a lot to me, it wasn't over the top like you thought. i care about what you think of me. i hope you don't think im prideful. i try not to be full of pride. you've opened my eyes to benevolence. i've learned to love learning through your example. i hope the best for you. i wish you well.